Zainab Manan


Background: Hospital waste is the type of waste which has great potential of creating variety of health problems including infections and injuries. Health care waste management is a vital part of hygiene and infection control within a hospital and an appropriate management of waste proves effective in controlling nosocomial hospital acquired infections. This study was carried out to assess the hospital waste management practices at Ayub Teaching Hospital (ATH). Methods: This descriptive cross sectional study was carried out from April to October 2013 at different units of Ayub Teaching Hospital, being selected by convenient sampling technique. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire which was then computed into statistical information (tables), using SPSS software and results were interpreted. Results: Majority of the respondents were nurses with no training on health care waste management. There was no segregation at point of source or at transportation. 68% of waste handlers were not using any kind of protective clothing. Even being provided with safety boxes, 50% of the units were not using it. As regards to healthcare waste management practices, there was absolute gap between theory and practice. Conclusion: Healthcare waste management is a community problem. Lack of knowledge, training and strict supervision by administration is significantly associated with ill management of waste. Our findings pointed to upgrading nurses' knowledge and practice in relation to management of health care waste after implementation of the program.
Keywords: Waste management, waste segregation, hospital waste
Stud J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2015;1(1):13-6

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